Sunday, March 6, 2011

5 AM Workouts Starting Tomorrow!

So I am letting all my friends out there know that I need more accountability when it comes to my excercise routine.  So tomorrow I am dragging my hiney out of bed and getting it  moving at 5 AM, why 5 AM you ask?  Because if I work out later in the morning I have to take care of my dear little Faithie girl and then getting in the shower, almost impossible unless I put her in her room (which I did find her climbing the baby gate last week, which nearly gave me a heart attack!), and then if I don't exercise early I don't get my devotional time in and it kind of makes the rest of my day just thrown off.

So there it is blogging world, tomorrow, 5 AM, dear Jesus, help me!  Feel free to ask me if I worked out!

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