Monday, March 7, 2011

5 AM Yay right!

5 AM came and went this morning and this girl had a date with her bed.  After a restless night of sleep I decided to forgo my 5AM wake up call to exercise and catch what little bit of shut eye I could get in.  I did however wake up at 7:45 AM, and after breakfast, my morning devotionals, and a cup of coffee I convinced myself to get moving, by 9, I had Faith settled upstairs in my room where she stayed pretty patiently watching Veggie Tales until I was almost done with cardio and was finishing up my ab work and then she couldn't wait another minute she needed a snack and some Mommy time!  I was able to sneak in a shower and before I knew it is was nearly lunch time.  Tomorrow I have physical therapy for my knee and in the evening I am going to a spin class at the gym, hopefully the instructor doesn't kill me!  Wish me luck, I am wanting to keep losing those pounds, but I also want to tone up and shed some inches before we go to visit our families in California before moving on to Washington!  I am making progress and hopefully will be on my way there in no time!


  1. Sleeping is a good weight loss method too, if you don't get good sleep it can hold you up. But I know you will push on you have goals set up and I know you will reach them... Have fun at spin class I know those kick rocks :)

  2. I have been trying to sleep more, but I am also trying to be as productive in each day as possible, so I found a spin class at 6 am that seems to be working out and I don't mind getting up if I am going to a class, so today I forced myself and it was worth it, work out done!

  3. I've never gotten into much for the spinning & certainly not at anywhere before 8am for doing any exercise whatsoever... it shows your real dedication. Way to go on being strong & isn't it just cruel sometimes the sweets people bring into the office? Man I think it's my turn to do that to my office sometime soon. LOL I'll make sure I put nuts in it just to make sure I won't be tempted by it. ;)

  4. Oh yes, sweets are one of my weakness'! I wish I could have them all the time! When I go to parties our what not I make things I don't like so I can stay away from them!
